School Events

>School Events in 2014&2015 in brief
・1st term
Apr.  7 Welcome Ceremony for Freshmen
May.       Ball Games 
28-30    School Trip(junior students) 
*Students can choose form the following options for their destinations;
Hiroshima and Okayama, Hagi and Tsuwano, Onomiti and Matsuyama
28 Day Exclusion(senior students) 
30&31  Orientation(freshmen) 
Jul.   8 A Special Show of a film, music, or a traditional Japanese culture 

・2nd term
Sep.   8&9  School Festival
17 Athletic Meet 

・3rd term
Jan.  7 Japanese traditional card (Hyakunin-isshu) competition 
Feb.  13  Farewell Event for Senior Students 
Mar.   2 Graduation Ceremony 
Ball Games (freshmen&junior students)